This page serves as a table of contents of my lab and homework walkthroughs for MIT 6.828: Operating System Engineering (2018 version). Lab 1: Booting a PCLab 2: Memory ManagementLab 3: User EnvironmentsLab 4: Preemptive MultitaskingLab 5: File system, Spawn and...
testtime: OK (7.8s)pci attach: OK (1.2s)testoutput [5 packets]: OK (1.6s)testoutput [100 packets]: OK (13.4s)Part A score: 35/35 testinput [5 packets]: OK (1.9s)testinput [100 packets]: OK (1.8s)tcp echo server [echosrv]: OK (1.6s)web server...
internal FS tests [fs/test.c]: OK (2.2s) fs i/o: OK check_bc: OK check_super: OK check_bitmap: OK alloc_block: OK file_open: OK file_get_block: OK file_flush/file_truncate/file rewrite: OKtestfile: OK (2.5s) ...
This is the last xv6 homework. Tomorrow I will be doing IJCTF, and after that, I will start doing Lab5. Our first mission is to generate a crash. By changing commit() into: #include “mmu.h” #include “proc.h” void commit(void) { int pid =...
dumbfork: OK (1.4s)Part A score: 5/5 faultread: OK (0.9s)faultwrite: OK (1.0s)faultdie: OK (1.0s)faultregs: OK (1.1s)faultalloc: OK (0.9s)faultallocbad: OK (1.0s)faultnostack: OK (2.0s)faultbadhandler: OK (1.9s)faultevilhandler: OK (2.1s)forktree: OK (2.1s)Part B...